Clientele Sectors

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We have a diverse clientele profile serving a number organisations including non-commercial organisations (NGOs, International development partners, Think-tanks and government agencies) that are involved in local and international social interventions in areas of livelihood and social development.

We also serve commercial companies to include large multi-nationals as well as smaller and medium local and international enterprises in sectors such as banking, finance, FMCG, retailing, manufacturing, telecommunications, tourism, hospitality, media and advertising.



The fmcg industry is highly competitive and requires constant products review to ensure constant appeal and innovations in order to maintain and win market shares. Our surveys will help you understand your competitor edge, consumer habits and trends as well as the product positioning on the market.


The retail sector is the bridge between the producer and the consumer, this calls for extra efforts from the producer to ensure the right goods are shelved and they are in the right condition perfect for the consumer at competitive costs. Our retail audit surveys enable the end client to have constant monitoring of their products across the different distributions outlet


The telecommunication sector involves all companies that offer voice, data and internet services the public. In the recent years, there has been a remarkable global growth and reliance to the sector for communication, with evolution of mobile communication which requires close relations with the consumers due increasing demand for integrated access to a variety of voice, data, video and value add services to the consumer. Through our customer, product and concept test research we provide the right advise that enables our sector clients to make right decision the fit into the customer market.


Every financial sector institution as a big task of ensuring that is on top of whatever to maximize the share of industry share of wallet, this requires pro-activeness in decision making and use of reliable information through different customer surveys, assessments, mystery visits etc. we have been able to support a number of our clients in the sector with insightful findings in guiding their decisions.


Africa is majorly an Agricultural continent relying the four main subsectors (crops, livestock fisheries and forestry) for subsistence and commercial purpose. Through undertaking sector specific studies we help the sector member and organisations to overcome the different identified gaps.


Due to increasing media coverage across the globe through internet, television, radio, print etc. We provide media insight analytics to capture the awareness, usage/ readership/ viewership, audience attitude, perception towards a particular media brand consumption, Trends and habits.


Through our coverage, we are able to collaborate and represent different consultancies and consultants in any of our countries of operation through providing datacollection services and any other research need as per the request.


we help different business investors to identify their potential in the given markets vs their competitors through market penetration surveys, customer experience studies etc.


We are able to conduct evaluation and assessment surveys for non-commercial organisations such as NGOs, CBOs etc. to evaluate and assess the impact of their campaigns and programmes.


These may include; Parastatals, Ministries, Paliaments, National organisation Bodies and more

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)