About Us

About us

BS Research Globe Ltd

Is an independent research and fieldwork Management consultancy agency that provides fieldwork management, market, social and policy research services to a wide range of clients. We are client focused organisation that values excellence, simplicity, principle, accountability and reliability Established and incorporated in Uganda, BS-Research Globe has physical offices in Uganda and well established operations across all region.

Our online application questions and real time underwriting enable us to calculate the best price for you.

Our Mission

To provide recommendable superior quality Consultancy services that inspire and implement client needs and growth.


To be the best known Consultancy firm to a wide-range of business, clients and establishments across the globe that is dedicated and dependable through providing consistent quality and actionable data insights of worth to our clients.

Our Values

Customer commitment
We develop relationships that make appositive impact to our customers.

We provide outstanding services that together deliver premium performance to our clients.

We are personally accountable for delivering on our commitment.

Team Work
We work together across boundaries to meet the needs of our customers.

Simplicity & a Will to Win
We believe in simplicity for everything we do while exhibit a strong will to win in every aspect of our business.

We are principled to our business and clients.

What We Do

We provide primary data inputs and analytics for evaluation efforts, including designing of experimental and non-experimental process and impact studies, stakeholder and elite surveys, and the incorporation of secondary data sources into analytical models. We work on targeted local studies and end-to-end evaluation in key development areas in all regions of Africa.

Social and Policy Research

Market Research

Research Design

Quality Control

Registered and Licensed by;

Legal Status

BS-Research Globe is a fully registered and licensed private/company limited by shares registration number (80020002726930) incorporated under the statutory laws of Uganda company registration

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)